21 Mart 2011 Pazartesi

Ara Dinkjian

Diyarbakir kokenli Ermeni sanatci Ara Dinkjian Amerika'da yasiyor.

Jerusalem'de yapilan Uluslararasi Ud Festivalindeki canli kayitlardan olusan 2006 tarihli "An Armenian in America" adli bir albumu var sanatcinin.

Biz aslinda onun bestelerini bir cok Turk sanatcidan dinlemistik

Siz su asagidaki ilk melodiyi hatirlayabilecek misiniz bakalim?

ara dinkjian by Aydin Uslu on Grooveshark

16 Mart 2011 Çarşamba

Orchestra Baobab

Afrika'da 70'leri kasip kavurmus Senegal kokenli bir grup Orchestra Baobab.

Youssou N’Dour'u da meshur eden 'Star Band' grubundan ayrilanlarin kurdugu bir grupmus. Mekanlari da Dakar'daki 'Baobab Club' olmus. Bu arada 'Baobab' Afrika'da bir tur agac :)

80'lerde ayrilip 2001 de tekrar bir araya geldiler.

World Circuit tarafindan eski albumleri yeniden canlandi. Ozellikle 'Pirates Choice' albumleri World Music hastalari tarafindan cok sevilir.

Benim en hoslandigim sarkilari ise asagida. Made In Dakar albumu de hala Turkiye'de rafta durur.

Orchestra Baobab - Nijaay by World Circuit Records


Yine AfroCubism'den...

4 Mart 2011 Cuma

The Sway Machinery

Following their critically acclaimed debut Hidden Melodies Revealed, the Sway Machinery accepted a once-in-a-lifetime invitation to travel to Timbuktu and perform in Mali’s world-renowned Festival of the Desert. In Mali they found inspiration in the form of Khaira Arby, a legendary Malian singer, and out of their epic journey the new album House of Friendly Ghosts was born. Collaborating with Arby and Super 11, the Sway Machinery have exceeded all expectations and returned home with a new brand of cross-cultural music epic in its scope and depth.

In January 2010, the Sway Machinery became the first-ever Jewish band to perform at the legendary Festival of the Desert in Mali, a traditional Muslim country.

While the new album has the same basic building blocks as Hidden Melodies Revealed (drums, guitar, bass sax and horns), “the sonic picture is radically different. Traditional African instruments have been introduced into the mix, along with guest lead guitar players and Khaira's distinctive vocals,” voicing the multiple tribal languages of her region. Combined with Lockwood’s lyrics, which remain rich in Jewish associations and memory reservoirs, House of Friendly Ghosts bridges its own path through religion, culture and tradition to once again connect seemingly disparate musical worlds in a way that never before seemed possible.

the sway machinery by Aydin Uslu on Grooveshark